The only way you can describe developments in the Mayor's race yesterday is with the word

"Bizarre". Mayoral candidates Eric Griego and Brad Winter held a joint news conference on City Plaza to question Mayor Chavez's integrity in connection with a fundraiser held by the bagman for our indicted State Treasurers. It was a campaign news conference and a legitimate one. But, apparently the Mayor and his minions decided to call out a goon squad and the Mayor's dog to disrupt the news conference. Many of those attending were city employees. How dumb is this? How

could there be such a failure in judgment in the Chavez campaign? This made his connection with the bag man a front page story. It made him look as if he had something to hide. And sending his dog?
Mondo Bizzaro!Add to that the way the Chamber of Commerce has disgraced its name by designing and funding the most libelous and untruthful campaign against the minimum wage bill and you have the makings of a meltdown in community relations in Albuquerque. The fall out will be with the Chamber for some time. Certainly the Chamber could have come up with a better way of fighting this proposal.
1 comment:
An added insult to our intelligence is provided by the Albuquerque Journal's headline for this story:
Chávez Allies Upstage Rivals
Upstage? Allies? Silly me. I thought the tagline for this story would have something to do with the fact that Mayor Chavez benefited by a fundraiser at the home of a crook and a nonpartisan press conference was held to question him about that.
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