We were driving home in that windstorm from Raton, Springer,

and Las Vegas this afternoon. As soon as we came down La Bajada the visibility started approaching zero and the VW was being blown around a little bit. Then, from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico came the call. It was Rodger Beimer who is down there with his wife Connie for a week. He was at an internet cafe and said he had just seen a news flash that the Vigil trial ended in a mistrial. Think about that. He was in Mexico and he knew before I did that Vigil's jury had hung up. That is modern communications for you.

So, what happens to the Vigil case now. Probably the first thing is that the prosecution and defense will start taking a lot of trips around the state to visit with jurors about what was effective and what wasn't in the cases presented by each side. Then those things will be emphasized or ignored in the next trial. One of the jurors said today the governments case could have been better. One of the jurors, one of the holdouts I surmise, apparently didn't even want to look at the evidence.
I had wondered, along with some friends, why the prosecution spent a lot of time with people that had no contact with Vigil before they put their strong witnesses on. I also always felt that some of the witnesses were probably much more guilty than the defendant.
What a mess! I would like to know what a new trial will cost and I would like to know why the prosecution would do so poorly in the first go around. I wonder if people just dislike the government trying to entrap citizens. Wasn't the only time they caught Vigil doing something wrong was when the government set it up?
We will get to go over this all again in the next few months. Will it be before the general election in the fall or afterwards......lots of political considerations there if you think about it.
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