That Enron jury did their job for sure. I have read just about every book and article that was written on the corporate disaster and I think this jury needs some real respect. They did their job and found there was no reasonable doubt on the charges against these corporate criminals. Lay and Skilling deserved this.

Once again, Bobbi and I were in Houston visiting our daughter when all this Enron stuff broke loose and I still remember the crime scene tape surrounding the Enron building. That really got me into the whole affair and I became an insatiable reader and watcher of all things Enron.
Lots of employees lost their life savings because of this company's 'bottom line' attitude. Their 'mark to market' accounting scams suckered all the financial analysts and government regulators for over a decade. When one analyst started questioning the financial house of cards and was called an 'asshole' by CEO Skilling during a multi party conference call, the unravelling began.
The prosecution in that case must have done a pretty convincing job to get so many convictions on so many of the counts.
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