My brother Tom and I got up early to take some aerial photos of the family land in Pena Blanca. My brother has a Beechcraft Bonanza that is fun to ride around in.

This photo above will locate Pena Blanca for you. It is looking south from Cochiti Lake towards the Sandia Mountains and Albuquerque. It gives you a good idea of the river valley. The Village is on the east side of theRio Grande.

This photo is of the 22 acre parcel that is leased out to Fred Espinosa. You will notice all of the Siberian elm trees that we are having taken down prior to laser leveling the property for better water conservation purposes. This land used to have hundreds of apple trees, cherry trees and peach treees on it. They all perished in the extreme cold in the early 70's when the temperature stayed around -20 degrees F for three days.

Mr. Baca my name is Roger Lucero my grand parents were Willie and Amalia Lucero and Roy and Flora Leyba all have passed away except Grandma Flora. I was reading your blog about you wanting to sell some property not sure if you still have property there but if so I would be interested
Call me at 505 2051291
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