Yesterday was fun and tiring. We started at 7am in Ruidoso and went to Alamogordo for a really great rally. Then on to Las Cruces for the Aggie Homecoming Parade. Then on to Deming for a really nice downtown rally. Then on to Silver City for another nicely attended downtown rally. And finally, to Socorro for another rally at 9pm. We got home about 10:30.....

This is the gang that went on the bus tour with some of the local candidates in Hobbs on Friday morning.

This is State Auditor candidate Hector Balderas catching some sleep on the bus.

This is Jean Ossorio with Rodger Beimer and I in Las Cruces. Jean is very active in my campaign down there along with her husband Peter. They work very hard on wolf recovery programs.
I will be out of pocket tomorrow as my lovely wife Bobbi will be undergoing major surgery at the Women's Hospital. You all pray for her.
Jim You have my vote and those votes of the people I know -- we need a good man to oversee our land and your experience speaks well for you.
Good thoughts for your wife's surgery and healing.
A thing to keep in mind about State Lands is that there is no access to the general public except for hunting and fishing, if you have a licence. No birdwatching, no hiking etc. Maybe you could change that too. It would mean a lot more public land accessable to New Mexican citizens.
I would like to thank everyone who joined us yesterday in support of Jim and his campaign to save special places in New Mexico for future generations while advancing the office of Land Commmissioner into the 21st century. Big thank you's to Lisa, Heather, Tony and especially Mike, without your support it wouldn't have happened. And thanks also to Kathy and Todd who took the time on their anniversary to join us.
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