Thursday, December 19, 2013

The People Lead

The New Mexico Supreme Court has followed the Constitution and the lead of the people in okaying same sex marriage.  It is a victory against fundamentalist bible thumping.  A good day.

But the real lead of the people today came in a smack down to the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission which had to back down on its gutting of renewable energy credits.  I was taken by surprise how fast they reversed themselves.  I think that once they understood that a major and growing economic sector was in danger that they had better revisit their idiocy and change their ways.  It was that or realizing that they would be defeated at next election.  Those folks who voted in the first place to gut solar energy should be defeated anyway.  They have shown their love of the fossil fuel boys in their first action and they probably won't change their colors.

As an aside I hope New Mexicans will help lead efforts to rebuild the National Institute of Flamenco's Conservatory which was destroyed by fire yesterday in Albuquerque.  I have been a supporter of this group for some time and we are real fans of that dance.  You can help them by clicking here.

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