Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Beagle Love

Our daughter Noelle, who will be twenty one on January 3rd, has arrived back in the states after her sojourn to Thailand for her study abroad program. We named her Noelle because she was supposed to be born on Christmas, but that didn't happen. Bobbi was so happy to have her nine days later that we named her Noelle anyway.

Noelle with her Uncle Dave Miller. He is the Safety Officer at the Airport.

Noelle with her brother Justin and his girlfriend Karly

Beagle Love. There are a lot of elements in this picture.

1. Evidence of the obligatory stop at the Frontier for Burritos and Chile
2. Beagles, one unseen, howling with delight at Noelle's return
3. Noelle's car keys represent her independence. She has to get used to traffic driving on the right side of the road. Thailand traffic patterns are all wrong, just like England.

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