I will continue this blog as I run for office. I will pretty much let you know where I stand on the issues but I won't say much about my opponents. I will try and give you a little fun and helpful information every day with out giving away too much to my opponents about our strategy. I would like to make this campaign a lot of fun, as I have always found statewide campaigns to be. They are enjoyable because of the people you meet and the travel around this Enchanted State. I will try and give you a flavor of that!
I have some heavy things to do in the next seven weeks. I need to get 4000 signatures for my nominating petitions. You can download a petition from the Secretary of State's website right here.

Just fill in the information as follows.....Click on the image to make it bigger so you can read this. You might also be able to print it out on a good printer if you make sure your resize it for an 8 1/2 X 11 piece of paper. Then just get a few democrats to sign it and get it back to me at the address on the form. This is really an important thing to do.
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