We had a nice function had our house last night to introduce Attorney General Patsy Madrid to many of the region's environmental leaders. This was a meet and greet and question and answer session and not so much a political rally or fund raiser, although Patsy did walk off with a few

Patsy has a good chance of beating Heather Wilson who dresses as a moderate but is linked at the hip to Tom Delay's money raising practices. She is the 4th largest benefactor in Congress from his allegedly illegal fundraising and money laundering. Heather's voting record is not moderate no matter what her spinners tell you. She is a right winger through and through.
I am hopeful that Patsy can attackHeather's stands on votes that have affected New Mexicans and use that, rather than just using the stuff that is handed out by the Washington crowd that may or may not have much traction with our voters here. Heather Wilson's votes on tax cuts for the rich, environmental protection roll backs, the war in Iraq and her refusal to want to investigate the lies that got us into Iraq in the first place would be a good starting point.
I am in the top 10% of earners in the country and did not even notice the wonderful tax cut, did you? If all the corporations that were avoiding taxes by offshore parent companies (Bermuda) paid their fair share, mine would be a lot less. Our country is being bankrupted by this war for oil to secure the Middle East for the neocons. Even the neocons realize they made serious strategic errors and are looking for a face saving way out. We are staying afloat by borrowing from China and Japan. If they ever call our notes (God forbid) we will see what we have done. We need to restore fiscal responsibility, ethical behavior, transparency in government and repeal the Patriot Act to restore our freedom and democracy. I am looking for Mr Smith in Washington and I can tell you that the Republicans haven't demonstrated what it takes. If Diebold shareholders sue ("I will deliver Ohio for Bush"), we may have a chance to edge out all those that do not represent the people instead of their corporate donors. SOMEONE has to pay for all our no bid contracts to Haliburton. I want my taxes to go for services, infrastructure and homeland security (no, we are not safer now...the 9/11 commission gave the administration Ds and Fs and even top Republicans acknowledge we are CREATING terrorists in IRAQ). If something bad happens here, it will be Katrina all over again because the guy at the top is biking instead of planning strategically.
According to the Journal, more than 70% of all doctoral students in engineering are foreign students. They are going to other nations such as China, India, Korea, Japan and Singapore. By 2020 we will have a shortage of more than 12 million critical science/technology workers. We need to focus on what makes America great...our innovation, freedom, and separation of church and state... instead of imperial, poorly planned wars. We need energy independence through innovation and conservation. If we continue on this path, we will be a second class nation and wonder what the hell happened.
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