Rodger Beimer called me and said he saw that phrase on a bumper sticker this morning. Someone acted fast and efficiently on that one.
My friend Steve Cobble and I were discussing bush's in your face attitude about

spying on Americans in order to protect us from terrorists. In the face of an impeachable offense bush seems belligerent and unfazed. Cobble was wondering if it was because rove had done some polling on it and found support for spying on citizens by the government. bush and rove never take a stand with out polling, but I told Cobble it was because bush just won't ever admit he was wrong. Cobble and I then agreed it might be both things at work. If I were a democratic leader I would simply lose all the rhetoric over this and say, "Do we as Americans want our government spying on us?" I bet very few would say yes.
Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.
John Adams
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