Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Otero Mesa

I am pretty sure my opponent Pat Lyons is rejoicing as he supports drilling this last great Chihuahuan grass land in America. His largest oil and gas contributor, Yates Petroleum, will do the deed. I am hopeful an appeal of the case will be made, or that other avenues might be used to halt this pending disaster.
P.S. My campaign manager in the Primary Election, Jessie Keefe, has started a blog about her new life in Maui. It is good reading and I will visit it often. It is called NewMexicaninMaui.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Water Issues & Debates

There isn't a day that goes by when the issue of water supplies, water rights or water sheds doesn't come up at least half a dozen times. Today the Albuquerque Journal had a story about another law suit brought against the State Engineer's Office fighting new regualtions that would affect domestic water wells. This will be fought over for a long time before it is finally decided.
I have described our reclamation of our small farm in Pena Blanca. We invested money that will probably cut in half the amount of water that is used for irrigation there. What happens to the saved water? We have pre 1907 water rights and if we save water do we lose that water right?I would like to see irrigators who conserve be able to sell their saved water rights to the cities or entitities that need them. Perhaps I am all wet, but it seems that if the state were to start helping these farmers with laser leveling and new irrigation systems then some of the pressure might be relieved. I am sure I am not the first one to think about this and I might be over simplifying it, but it might work!
Finally, since Bill Richardson has wisely refused to debate with John

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Negative Ads, Liver and Lima Beans

Monday, September 25, 2006
Beach Property 4 Sale Cheap!

I have a friend who winters at a home on St. Thomas out in the Carribean. He described it to me as a place that has the feel of Santa Fe in the 1970's, except that it is surrounded by an ocean. After reading this article from the National Academy of Sciences I think I better go see his place sooner than later.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Good Sunday
We stopped by the well attended solar fair and then we then took off to Velarde, NM for a meeting and fundraiser organized by Steven and Sandra Rudy and hosted by Levi and Angelina Valdez.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
BLM Puts Things Straight
September 23, 2006
We read your story (“Debate centers on environmental issues,” Sept. 21) about the debate between state land commissioner candidates Patrick Lyons and Jim Baca and wish to comment on a statement by Commissioner Lyons ( “… you better vote for me because the BLM isn’t going to work with Jim Baca.”) We do not know the context in which the remark was made, but we would like to offer the following information.
The BLM has a long history of working with the State Land Office on land exchanges to consolidate state and federal land holdings when the actions benefit both parties. An example of such exchange is to acquire of state land within BLM Wilderness Study Areas.
BLM has worked on major land exchanges with the State Land Office since the early 1990s, and we look forward to continuing this work with its leadership in the future.
Linda Rundell
state director BLM
Friday, September 22, 2006
My Cat Jerry's Bodyguard
Ethics Task Force-Lyons Caught in Web

Yes, someone would figure out ways around this but anything that makes it more difficult for the rich and corporate interests to control elections is a good idea.
During our debate the other night Pat Lyons stated two times that if I was

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thank You Governor Richardson and AG Patsy Madrid

This is a victory for our watersheds in the roadless forests. It is a victory for hunters, fisherman, and all outdoor enthusiasts.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Radio Daze

All the action seemed to be on the radio today. My opponents nasty radio ad, and it is a doozie, had people calling us all day. I finally heard it this afternoon and it is really pretty mean spirited, but that is what you have to put up with when candidates get desperate. I can only figure my opponent has a new poll that shows him slipping.
This ad was a topic of discussion on the Jim Villanucci show. A friend called and said they were talking about the ad and that I should call in to comment. I did, even though I hadn't heard the ad except for second hand accounts at that point. The ad says I am against the Bill of Rights because I sued to keep concealed weapons out of Albuquerque after the Legislature passed the bill. This law was passed when I was Mayor and our Police Chief and other law enforcement officials were not too happy about it. We lost the suit. That hardly makes us against the bill of rights or gun ownership. I own a lot of firearms. I got my first .22 caliber rifle when I was 8 years old. It stood beside my bed for years until I went into the Air Force. (P.S. Did my opponent ever serve in the military?)
Anyway, after I got off the show my opponent called in and

Lyons also said he had charts showing that Land Office revenues dropped when I was Land Commissioner for two terms. That is true, but that was due to the price of oil and gas plummeting. If he blames me for that then I guess he is to blame for $3 a gallon gasoline and the high revenues at the land office now. I will ask him that tomorrow night.
This is the way it will be for the next 48 days. If you want to see us Land Commissioner candidates in action, just come to the Unitarian Church tomorrow night in Albuquerque at 7PM for a two hour debate between us. The Church is at Carlisle and Comanche. It should be a hoot.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Oil and Gas Industry Funds Dirty Politics

One of the lies in the radio commercial was that I was fired by President Bill Clinton as BLM Director. Nothing is further from truth. Please read this for a good approximation of what happened after I left Washington after 13 months. Both the President and Vice President had asked me to stay as BLM Director. After meeting with Bruce Babbitt and witnessing his obvious lack of respect for the BLM's efforts, I placed a letter of resignation in his lap and left with my head held high. Both President Clinton and Vice President Gore asked for my support in their subsequent bids for the White House and I gladly gave it to them.
Republicans on Education

The funny thing is that all he talks about is "working for education". That is his message and it is always a good one, but you have to ask yourself---What have republicans done for education?
My opponent came out hard against using more of the permanent fund for education. That is what its purpose is, but he objected to spending more than 4.7% of the fund per year for our school kids when voters decided to pass a constitutional amendment allowing that. Since he led the fight to try and stop that amendment the Permanent Fund has grown by more than 4 billion dollars. The fund will easily sustain a little more spending for the kids. I sit on private foundation boards. They are required to spend 5% of their fund annually by the IRS. Most spend much more than that and they are prudently run.
I would invite you all to go back a couple of days on my blog and read a wonderful comment by one of Joyce Briscoes former students. It is very moving.
p.s. I am trying to ignore all this stuff about the Pope and the Mullahs. No good will come of it.
Saturday, September 16, 2006

I can tell you that the people in Grant County are not happy with the bush administration on a lot of levels. From Iraq to the Environment they are angry and motivated to see a change made. They are pretty much attuned to the fact that my opponent is an oil and gas funded candidate and they are not happy about it. My opponent has started his TV and Radio Ads. Just remember every time you see or hear one that it has been paid for by the oil and gas industry, led by Yates Petroleum who wants to drill on Otero Mesa.

My little pickup made it over Emory Pass in the Black Range twice yesterday. We drove 570 miles and made numerous campaign stops.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Crunch Time
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Joyce Briscoe and her husband John helped on my very first Land Commissioner race back in 1982. She was a charter memeber of the State Land Advisory Board that I passed through the legislature. She represented teachers. Joyce was a gifted and much loved teacher in the Albuquerque Public Schools. Her students revered her and she was named Disney's Teacher of the Year in 1990. She specialized in Literature and more importantly she taught her students to think critically. She was a champion of science. She was described this way by the ACLU when they awarded her the Volunteer of the Year Award in 2005.
"Joyce Briscoe will receive the ACLU Volunteer of the Year Award for her assistance in the ACLU public education program. Among her contributions, Joyce organized community demonstrations to raise awareness about the USA Patriot Act; organized an ACLU workshop on teacher rights through the teacher's’ union; and organized projects centering on student privacy, military recruitment, and intelligent design. She recently retired from 25 years of teaching American literature, Western civilization and government at Manzano, La Cueva and Sandia High Schools."
Joyce often asked me to speak to her government classes and I always gladly accepted. It was very rewarding for me to see her interactions with her students who obviously stood in awe of her. There are just not enough people around like Joyce.
I talked with her husband John this afternoon. He is an architect and all around decent man. He and Joyce had their fingers in every good cause in New Mexico. I asked him what I could do to help him out and he said, "you and other progressives just win your elections for Joyce." Thats all he wanted.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Baca Campaign Goes to the Dogs

I also did a lot of work to protect wild horses in the west while I was Director of the Bureau of Land Management. Certainly those populations have to be controlled, but sending those Mustangs to the slaughter house is not the way to do it.

There were about 25 dogs and fifty people attending. Cookies for humans and gourmet dog biscuits for the canines. There were no dogfights and only a couple of 'accidents'. And we brought in some good money too!
Jeff Armijo Redux
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Worth the Time
Oh, wait, here is a completely self serving link to the Duke City Fix.
Monday, September 11, 2006
56 Days
All of the candidates will be on the road constantly now. In the last couple of weeks we will travel as a team through the state. We need to get a giant RV with exercize equipment and showers so we all don't drop dead of heart attacks. Bring on the broccoli too. Yoga mats might help too.
I got word last night at Tim McGivern's fundraiser that the Sierra Club has endorsed me. I was

These endorsements are very important in a race like the one I am running for State Land Commissioner. My opponent has already raised about four times more than has ever been spent on this race before. I estimate that 90% of his funds comes from people who do business with the Land Office. That will certainly curtail his independence. Sadly, although I am ahead in the polls he can still win it because of that bankroll. But that is where the value of grass roots endorsements come in. It can be enough to tip the scale to this effort.
We do need to raise more money and each one of you can help by going to
I really don't like using this blog to ask for bucks, but the time has come. Also, if you want to see both of us candidates in action please come to the League of Women Voters Sponsored debate next Wednesday everning at 7 at the First Unitarian Church at Carlisle and Commanche in Albuquerque. You will certainly see the difference between us candidates at that time. It should be fun.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Fund Raiser
Richardson Delivery Service

The Governor and Salopek appeared happy and relieved to be back in New Mexico. This was an impressive rescue of a New Mexican from a dangerous and far away place.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
State Fair Parade

The Crowds were like this along the 2.5 mile route. I believe there were 100,000 people out.

Friday, September 08, 2006
Its Always Something!

There is a big controversy at the State Fair this year. Moe Chavez, a law enforcement official with the State Gaming Board, showed up at the opening of the fair today with a petition. He and the other signatories are outraged that the "World's Largest Pig" was not going to make an appearance at the Fair. There were already 24 signatures on his petition sheet. I mentioned to him that he might just possibly have had the "Worlds Largest Pig" as part of his breakfast burrito this morning. He looked dismayed.

This is as close as I got to my annual epicurean delight. The State Fair Corn Dog. The numerous food joints were not selling because the city health inspector hadn't given the okay to open yet. I had to just salivate and wait for tomorrow after the State Fair Parade.
And then my daughter Noelle sends me this joke but says it doesn't apply to me.
Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.
The second responds, "Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color coded."
The third surgeon says, "No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order."
The fourth surgeon chimes in: "You know, I like construction workers...those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end, and when the job takes longer than you said it would."
But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed: "You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no heart, no brains and no spine, and the head and the butt are interchangeable.
And Finally! Click here to see the best New Mexico Political Commerical of the Year.