Wednesday, April 30, 2008
In the meantime read Thomas Friedman's column today. Mainly because he agrees with me!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Bingaman for Obama

Let me give you one reason that I think Obama is the better person here. He is not pandering to folks by saying we should suspend the gas tax. Only a desperate pol would do that, think Clinton and McCain, in order to get votes. No matter that it would devastate our already crumbling highway infrastructure and 18 cents a gallon is going to make absolutely no difference to even even the poorest people. But, being the kind of pols that Clinton and McCain are they are really counting on peoples ignorance. Obama is trying to lead and he is showing he isn't afraid to make good decisions.
Monday, April 28, 2008

Then I read that San Juan County, up in the Farmington area, is the sixth largest emitter of CO2 of all counties in the United States. That is right up there with Houston and L.A. And some idiots want to build another coal fired power plant there!
So, what we are doing here is inspiring less kids getting into science at a time when we need to depend on it more than ever to solve our energy and climate change crises.
I remember that my good friend Lee Otteni and I entered the St. Pius X High School Science Fair in 1961 and came in second. We went to the regional and got clobbered. (No one had a prayer of winning with all those national lab parents from Sandia and LANL tutoring their kids.) Lee went on to become a wildlife research and scientist. I went into politics. I won't demean science by saying I am a political scientist.
After watching a weekend of Nova, National Geographic and other documentaries on the state of the earth, I am actually wondering if we can handle the collapse of ecosystems. Things are happening much faster that even the biggest pessimists had predicted. They only thing that might save us is a lot of smart kids being nurtured in the sciences and being put to work ASAP to solve our problems. The next President and our Congress will be our last hope.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tax Evasion and Tax Theft
Domenici's Distraction
"The committee finds no substantial evidence to determine that you attempted to improperly influence an ongoing investigation. The committee does find that you should have known that a federal prosecutor receiving such a telephone call, coupled with an approaching election which may have turned on or been influenced by the prosecutor's actions in the corruption matter, created an appearance of impropriety that reflected unfavorably on the Senate."
So, what does Domenici do? He doesn't apologize for the phone call but for the distraction that it caused. I can't imagine what the neo cons would be saying right now if Senator Bingaman had done something this stupid.
Speaking of ridiculous things people say, Domenici's answer to $4 dollar a gallon gasoline is to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Why doesn't he just give that one up and let his staff start thinking about his legacy before leaving the Senate in January. Domenici could go out with a bang by sponsoring a windfall profit tax on the oil and gas industry and putting all that revenue into the nation's renewable energy research? He would be a hero in my book.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Common Cause
So It Goes
I find it amusing that the first thing Hillary did last night was ask people to go to her website to give her money. This after she spent the last week complaining that Obama was spending a lot more money than her. She spent what she had in negative campaigning. Here is what the New York Times thought about her victory. Don't forget they endorsed her.
I get way wrapped up in this stuff. I wonder how many New Mexicans other than us politicos really cares what happened in Pennsylvania last night. My gut feeling is people want a change in direction in this country and will vote for the Democrat no matter the animosity be engendered by Clinton's negativity. Yes, even I would vote for her although I hope it doesn't come to that.
In the meantime do not forget about this as one of my readers reminded me.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Diminishing Returns
I am assuming that Hillary will win today in Pennsylvania. If she doesn't win by 15% then she has failed to maintain her candidacy. If she wins by less than 5% she should graciously resign from her quest. Anywhere in between those two numbers and she just prolongs the inevitable.
It looks like another fun night watching returns on CNN and MSNBC. Well, I hope they wont use any analysts that are taking money from any of the candidates. Do you think?
Monday, April 21, 2008
More Media Stuff

My friend Rodger Beimer has been sending me lots of comments on the state of the national T.V. news operations lately. We served as reporters together thirty years ago at Channel 7.
Rodger and I sit around coffee about once a week and bitch about how bad it has gotten. How it couldn't get any worse. Well, we were wrong. After reading the story in the New York Times yesterday on the military analysts used by our national broadcast news networks I think we certainly have reached a new low. These retired opining Generals are all on the payrolls of Defense contractors who have a vested interest in war. How can they do honest and unbiased analysis if they worry about their access to the Pentagon for their companies? You must read this article. Every thing they say is tainted and you can not trust them to be honest about the military situation in Iraq.
I find it interesting that this new Internet based Center for Independent Media will be doing great work in New Mexico with some reporters inherited or hired away from the Albuquerque Journal. I also think it will be interesting to see if the Journal replaces the reporters. I know things are tough for most daily newspapers right now and the Journal is no exception. It was sad to see when Tania Soussan, their environment and energy reporter left last year that they didn't replace her. They need someone on that slot full time given the energy and climate change issues.
I have booked marked this new local news site and will check it our regularly.
Friday, April 18, 2008
That is why I am getting angrier by the moment over the rancher slaughtering those antelope who were in his winter wheat field. He left them wounded and dead to rot in the sun. Food uneaten at the very least and cruelty beyond words. See the video on the Albuquerque Journal website, but even I turned it off after a minute. I am not squeamish at all. I just hate waste and cruelty.
The law that allowed this should be repealed within days of the next session of the legislature. In addition, I am sure there are other laws that should be invoked. Start with wanton waste and animal cruelty for letting these creatures suffer. New Mexico's livestock and agricultural communities have stayed silent so far as I know on this issue. They should find a way to make sure that other methods are found to keep New Mexico's publicly owned wildlife from this kind of waste.
Get real mad.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The West
About the time flag pin politics and religion were taking all the time up in the debate about 50 more Iraqi citizens died in another bombing. Stephanopolous and Gibson, the debate moderators, marched on with their inane questions that ignored every important issue facing this country.
While these showbiz/National Enquirer type talking heads wasted valuable time on stupid questions the nation's Democrats learned little of their candidates beliefs. They could have asked about one of the most important part of the electorate, the Western States. There are real issues out here.
Issues out here include energy, water, health care, and protection of our beloved environment. I am an Obama fan as you all know and here is what he must think about.
Seven out of ten of the nation’s fastest growing counties are in the West. People and businesses move to the region for its quality of life, environment, and other amenities. To win the West, Senator Obama will need to share a vision that respects traditional western culture and custom while implementing policies to conserve the lands and waters that define the region. Over the last several presidential elections, Republicans have taken the West for granted and Democrats have ignored it. If Senator Obama can articulate an integrated social and ecological agenda that recognizes the inextricable link among community well-being, and land and water protection, he can carry the West.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Call in the Feds
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The agricultural community has always had a strong and effective lobby in Santa Fe. But it will pale beside the outrage of our state's hundreds of thousands of hunters. State land lease holders should be very interested in this issue because it will certainly envelope them.
Monday, April 14, 2008
10 Things
My sister Carlota thought I should put this on the blog.
10 things you should know about John McCain (but probably don't):
1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws.1
2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on
3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.3
4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."4
5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's veto of the bill.5
6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes! Yet McCain says the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a "second job" and skip their vacations.6
7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too reckless to be commander in chief. One Republican senator said: "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."7
8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but his campaign manager and top advisers are actually lobbyists. The government watchdog group Public
9. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious right in recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual guide," Rod Parsley, believes
10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored a 0—yes, zero—from the League of Conservation Voters last year.10
1. "The Complicated History of John McCain and MLK Day," ABC News, April 3, 2008
"McCain Facts,", April 4, 2008
2. "McCain More Hawkish Than Bush on
"Buchanan: John McCain 'Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi,'" ThinkProgress, February 6, 2008
3. "McCain Sides With Bush On Torture Again, Supports Veto Of Anti-Waterboarding Bill," ThinkProgress, February 20, 2008
4. "McCain says Roe v. Wade should be overturned," MSNBC, February 18, 2007
5. "2007 Children's Defense Fund Action Council® Nonpartisan Congressional Scorecard," February 2008
"McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance expansion," CNN, October 3, 2007
6. "Beer Executive Could Be Next First Lady," Associated Press, April 3, 2008
"McCain Says Bank Bailout Should End `Systemic Risk,'" Bloomberg News, March 25, 2008
7. "Will McCain's Temper Be a Liability?," Associated Press, February 16, 2008
"Famed McCain temper is tamed," Boston Globe, January 27, 2008
8. "Black Claims McCain's Campaign Is Above Lobbyist Influence: 'I Don't Know What The Criticism Is,'" ThinkProgress, April 2, 2008
"McCain's Lobbyist Friends Rally 'Round Their Man," ABC News, January 29, 2008
9. "McCain's Spiritual Guide: Destroy Islam," Mother Jones Magazine, March 12, 2008
"Will McCain Specifically 'Repudiate' Hagee's Anti-Gay Comments?," ThinkProgress, March 12, 2008
"McCain 'Very Honored' By Support Of Pastor Preaching 'End-Time Confrontation With Iran,'" ThinkProgress, February 28, 2008
10. "John McCain Gets a Zero Rating for His Environmental Record," Sierra Club, February 28, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Reality in Politics Today?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
This case of the off duty Albuquerque Police Officer who allegedly ran over a woman in the parking lot of a bar has all the makings of one of those 'professional courtesy' cases that law enforcement often finds themselves in. It seems to me that APD is dancing around the actions of that officer. Would you or I get the same treatment if we had backed over and killed this woman. Don't forget this was all caught on a video camera. Would a politician get this same kind of treatment? Not a chance in hell I think.
Mayor Chavez and his Chief need to get to the truth of this incident as quickly as possible.
The Dark Side of the Force

Actually, this is a good move by the Governor in his efforts to get the state's IT costs and operations under control.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Basic Training

I finally feel I should comment a little on the flag incident at
UNM a few months back. Apparently a lot of people feel threatened that a Mexican Flag was flying next to an American Flag on the campus. A student was angry it was still there after Old Glory was taken down for the day. So, he tore it up. He was tried and found guilty of destruction of property. See the story here.
The erstwhile columnist Jim Belshaw at the Journal wrote a thoughtful column about and it resulted in many people accusing him of being unpatriotic since he couldn’t understand why people were so fearful of a Mexican flag. Many of his harshest critics were military men or retirees. (Some defended him too.)
It got me to thinking about how our soldiers are being trained. When I was in boot camp 42 years ago I remember sitting through many classroom hours learning about everything military, but I don’t recall ever being given any classes on this Country’s Constitution which we were there to defend. I had learned quite a bit about it at St. Pius X High School in Civics class. I think it was a great course that made me understand that we do live in a great country that offers us many civil liberties.
I wonder, given that most high schools don’t offer such classes anymore, whether or not there should be strong instruction in our Constitution at boot camp for our armed forces. I can assure you that every naturalized citizen that emigrated from Mexico and is now serving in the military for this country knows more about the principles of the Constitution than their fellow men and women at arms. They had to pass a test to become an American citizen. If all recruits were educated about the concepts in this Constitution then they would be less likely to act like anyone who disagrees with them is unpatriotic.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Maybe I just don't get out enough anymore. When I saw this card come in yesterday amidst the daily haul of 3lbs of catalogs I took notice and marveled at the ingenuity behind this idea.
Can you believe someone has a full time business cleaning up, er, uh, dog shit? They must be successful because it is a high class glossy mailer. Just like the ones that Heather Wilson sends out at government expense.
The card says that there will be a $20 off coupon for the first month if you sign up. I am almost afraid to call and find out how much this service costs if there is a discount that big. However, congrats to the minds that thought this up. I think that I will stick with my twice weekly cleanup with an $8 dollar pooper scooper and a kitchen size garbage bag.
Monday, April 07, 2008
My First Video Blog
Knives Come Out

Now we see an effort underway to get former Secretary of State Rebbecca Vigil Giron thrown off the ballot by the forces of Michelle L. Grisham in the Congressional race in Albuquerque. Rebecca didn't get enough delegate votes at the nominating convention so she opted to get more signatures from regular old Democrats going into grocery stores. (one of the best places in my experience) This allows her to get on the ballot.
Michelle and her supporters say Rebbecca allegedly came up 100 signatures short, but there is a great danger in trying to get a judge to bar her from running. Mostly, I think there is nothing wrong with people getting on the ballot and don't forget the thousands of folks who did sign Rebbecca's signature petitions. What are they? Worthless?
Of course the real game here is to weaken the front runner Martin Heinrich. Michelle and her handlers don't want two Latino women running on the ballot under the conventional wisdom that it will split the vote. I don't think that wisdom is valid and I don't think this will weaken Heinrich. Maybe it will improve his position as Rebbecca will now pull the "Bowie" knife out whether she stays on the ballot or not!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Bobbi and I had a big adventure today. My computer has been crashing lately so we went out to shop for a new one. One reason I really needed one was to get the capability to edit high definition video. My family got me a high def Canon HG 10 camcorder for Christmas and I didn't have a computer that could handle the editing. I have been wanting to start some video blogs on this site and now maybe I will be able to do it. The big adventure is that we bought an Apple Mac Pro Laptop. I have been playing with it quite a bit and it is impressive. It is handling the video editing nicely, although I have a lot to learn. I have signed up for lessons on how to operate an Apple. It might take a little getting used to.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Board Meeting and the Sheriff
I read this morning that Sheriff Darren White who is running for Heather Wilson's seat has done some back room dealing to get the National Republican Party's endorsement over Senator Joe Cararro. And their Primary election hasn't even occurred. This kind of thing fits a pattern that the bush administration would love. Remember all the back room deals for Halliburton? Let's not forget what an unabashed supporter of the bush/cheney team that our Sheriff was. White was a great supporter of the Iraq war as bush's Bernalillo County campaign chairman. This is something that we will never let anyone forget. He can not run away from it or try to rewrite his history on it.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Doug Kent Hall
We last saw Doug at our Christmas Eve party when he and the family came over to meet Justin and his new bride Karly. I was just thinking of calling him last week for coffee and now he is gone from us.
Doug was one of those people that could pick up a camera and somehow every time get on film the essence of his subject. I especially loved his photos of every day people living their lives in New Mexico. I was inspired by his images of Flamenco dancers. His many books grace legions of coffee tables through out the world. The art community in New Mexico has lost another great member.