So we start toward a great convergence in
Olean, New York on Thursday. Bobbi, my sister Carlota, my daughter Noelle, and I will all be arriving at the airport in Syracuse within an hour of each other

to attend Justin's wedding to Karly. This wedding is a new experience for Bobbi and I since we have never married off a kid before. My brothers two daughters were married years ago and each of them has two nice children. My twin brother has been a grandfather for years now. I have no clue when we will be grandparents, if ever, but we are ready and able baby sitters when the time comes.
This is a complicated trip. We spend the first night in Syracuse where Justin is working on his Masters degree in Public Administration. (Policy
wonkism runs in the family) Karly got her Masters in Social Work last May and is working already.Then we go to Ithaca, NY on Friday morning for some legal stuff involving the

marriage. Then we go to
Olean, NY for a dinner on Friday evening. Then we have a wedding around noon on Saturday and a reception in the evening. Then on Sunday we travel back through the Finger Lakes of upstate New York to see the fall colors and spend one more night in Syracuse. Monday we take an early flight and get back to Albuquerque by 10:30AM.
This will be an interesting trip for us since we have never had the opportunity to meet the bride's parents. Karly's mom is a nurse and her step dad is a fireman. Karly has 13 cousins. Justin has two. Justin and Karly put together a pretty good briefing document for us to track her large family. It will be helpful. We sent information about our side of the family to them so they would know a little about us.
Congrats, Justin and Karly!
Daniel Patterson
Congrats to both families and have a major celebration at the wedding. They look like nice kids, best of luck in their life together!!!
Alright, Justin!!
Congratulations, everyone.
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