Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My Two Bits

So, here is my two bits on the current political scene in New Mexico.

1. Marty Chavez can't win a statewide race because he has been Mayor of Albuquerque and still is the Mayor of Albuquerque.Also, his gigantic budget increases will get big time scrutiny. His past support for Domenici will actually hurt him.

2. Diane Denish could win the Senate Primary and General Election, but I would rather see her in the Governor's Office.

3. Heather Wilson is currently damaged goods and will have a tough time winning because she is first and foremost a war monger. (Just like Domenici was, and a lot of uncourageous Democrats too.) The last thing we want is Congressman Steve Pearce as Senator. He is an extreme conservative, and I do mean extreme.

4. The Democratic Primary for Senate could be won by a slightly left of center Hispanic candidate, man or woman, who runs a great campaign. Again, I wish I were ten years younger

5. Senate Candidate Don Wiviott of Santa Fe would make a great Senator too, but no one knows him and I fear for his abilities in the cut throat nominating convention.

6. It certainly is Bill Richardson's for the taking if he wants it. I know he would rather be in the executive, but there is a lot at stake here when you think about it. Maybe he should run for both, just in case.

8. Martin Heinrich will still win the Democratic Primary and will kick butt at the nominating convention. He needs a strong media presence and press officer.

9. Lots of others will run against Martin after deciding they wouldn't need much courage to take on an open seat.

10. Sheriff Darren White will carry the Republican banner in a one dimensional race revolving around crime. There is a lot more at stake here than graffiti artists.

11. Anything can happen. Watch for surprises. Where is Sparkle Plenty? Think 1972.


LP said...

Good rundown, Jim.

Anonymous said...

What about Udall and what the lesser known Curry.

Prabhu Singh said...

Is that really going to be our new quarter?
I knew the New Mexico quarter would be awesome no matter what!
I like Tom Udall, my favorite politician (if you can call him that) at the moment is the mayor of Española. Every time I meet him I feel inspired about the future of our great town. (sorry if my two bits are too random)

Anonymous said...

Senator Jim Baca sounds pretty good to me...that is if Sparkle's not still available.