There are a lot of reasons that wilderness advocates, environmentalists, renewable energy supporters and river protectors should get on the bus for Iowa for Bill Richardson. Mainly, I think his record speaks for itself, from helping save the Valle Vidal to fighting to protect the Gila River and Otero Mesa. There is another big reason and that is a great need for a western leader in the White House who cares about these public land issues. Right now we have that guy from Wyoming, cheney, who represents the dark side of public land management in the west. He thinks there is no acre that should be left unleased or undrilled for his rich oil and gas supporters. Can you imagine having a man like Bill Richardson as President who knows what the issues are on western public lands and who is also on the sane side of those issues? This would be a first for the west and the landscapes we love.
We need to get a contingent of 25 or more New Mexico environmental advocates to travel to Iowa from December 20th to January 3rd. Obviously, many cant make it over Christmas, but I plan on going from December 26th to the day after the Caucuses. If anyone wants to sign up please contact Michelle Frost at 828-2455 or at
mfrost@richardsonforpresident.com.Richardson has really delivered for us in New Mexico on land and water issues and we need to take that message to Iowa and New Hampshire.
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