Friday, October 31, 2008
Last night we had the choice of three hours of punditry or trying out my new blue-ray dvd player at the house. We opted for watching "Juno" in blue-ray format. It was good. I had seen the movie at the theaters but had forgotten my hearing aids and couldn't hear it well. Last night I got more chuckles from the lines I missed first time around.
After the election on Wednesday Bobbi and I will begin preparing for our three week sojourn to New Zealand and Australia. I can't wait to get away and will admittedly sign in to the internet from the ship everyday to see how the transition is going.
In the meantime here is a Washington Post story about what bush is doing in his last few days in office. Yours truly is quoted.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Stuck in the Past?
I have to say that I am bewildered that they are waiting so long to endorse in the major races this year. It makes no sense to endorse after 40% or 50% of the folks in their area of influence have already voted. Why is this happening? I have no clue. It is kind of weird.
I predict they will endorse the following people when they get around to it. Barack Obama, Tom Udall, and Darren White. I don't know if they will endorse in the other congressional races, but if they do I predict they will go with Tinsley down south and Lujan up north.
I am probably wrong on all of this but I will remind everyone of my predictions after they endorse.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Low Point
When you stack this newest ad on top of the news of the lawsuits against the GOP in New Mexico this week, it makes one think that their party is really wandering into the wilderness and probably wont return to civilization for a decade. Pat Rodgers, bush, cheney, Justine Fox Young, Palin, McCain, Allen Weh might wish they knew some eco minded people as they sojourn into the back country of politics. No one will know or care about their exile and they will need better wits than they have shown this year to come back into the decency of the mainstream.
This all happens whether I am a candidate, supporter, or tuned out during a particular election cycle. I think it harkens back to my first involvement in politics. I was working for Bruce King in his second Governor's campaign. He was running against the late Joe Skeen. On election night when the vote counting was over we were only a couple of thousand votes ahead. That lead held, but no one slept until the canvassing was done three weeks later.
The next election I was involved in was my first run for State Land Commissioner. I was the underdog in the Democratic primary against the oil and gas candidate. At midnight I was 8,000 votes behind and thought there was no way to make up the numbers. Bobbi and I went to bed about 1:30AM and I laid awake wondering what was next. As a new father I was worried about finding a job. Then at 3:00AM I was roused by a ringing phone. It was the Associated Press telling me that the final numbers were in and I surged ahead by 700 votes. I was incredulous. It was really simple though, the North had counted their votes. I didn't sleep for the next three weeks until the canvassing was done.
Now the sleeplessness is just a tradition I guess. Although there is more at stake in this election than ever before. Actually, someone told me that the most important election in their lifetime was in 2004. And that we Americans blew it. I think he is right.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Some Math

But as an astute friend of mine points out this may turn around on election day a little bit. If the Democrats continue the heavy early and absentee vote there won't be as many going out on election day. So, the Republicans could actually win the balloting on November 4th. (This is the reverse of what usually happens.)
However, the Republicans have to be a little dismayed right now by the polls and the fervor of the Democratic campaigns. Maybe they will throw in the towel and just stay at home to await what seems to be the inevitable.
A Phenomenon
These New Mexico political crowds are something we might not see again in our lifetime. In a way it must be frightening for Obama to see these masses lining up behind him. He now has to deliver.
The 1000 or more stalwart Republicans that attended the McCain rally were the real hardcore loyalists. I tip my hat to them for showing up. But, what can they be thinking now? To be so out gunned just a few hours after they showed up at a small venue they couldn't fill. It must be disheartening to say the least.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Signs Stayed Up
It was mostly a great nostalgic evening in which you recognized some folks but didn't recognize others. But, we had it all figured out by the end of the party. We expect more folks to show up tonight at Gardunos on the Green. Bobby Box, the 60's DJ will be spinning oldies.
Friday, October 24, 2008
63 + 63
My yard is peppered with Obama, Udall and Heinrich signs. All pro choice candidates. I kind of wondered if that would offend anyone but I decided to leave the signs up. I am almost certain that politics will probably come up tonight so my preferences should be known immediately.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
I have been opposed in my political races by the NRA because I opposed concealed weapons as Mayor of Albuquerque. It didn't matter that I own lots of guns and believe it is fine to carry one in your car and have one under your pillow. I just don't want them concealed out in public. This is a place where I don't agree with Governor Richardson. We have opposing views on this issue. But that never made him call me a threat or made me not support him. It is not an all or nothing thing with us.
So, as the NRA always does, they now attack Obama as a threat. Think of that. An organization that exists to now support mostly right wing causes and gun owners are saying Obama is threat. This kind of idiocy is why I quit the NRA years ago. It used to be they were proponents for gun safety, now they are proponents for the likes of bush and cheney. Disgusting.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A BIG Favor
The Republican Women’s Club official in
This incident is really indicative of the bankrupt Republican Party and its tactics. Leaders of that hapless political organization should resolve to throw themselves out of power for the good of the country and let some new moderate types take over. It would be better for everyone.These tactics need to be placed in the dust bin of history.
Let’s start by repudiating the TV commercials of bush supporter Darren White against
I actually agree with a friend of mine who says that White’s commercials at this point will have little effect. It is just too late to throw out such charges. It should have been done months ago before people got comfortable with Martin’s candidacy. And if seventy percent of the voters cast their vote before Election Day then White is wasting his money anyway.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
House Full
All these good progressives love their native state of Texas but they don't see their efforts in Texas for Democrats being as productive as coming to a 'Battleground' state. I actually think they will be happy with the outcome here.
One still has to marvel at how campaigns continually run nastier and nastier ads and rhetoric. John McCain was a guy who I always kind of liked. But, no more. He has moved to the dark side and seems comfortable there. This tactic has lost him support, but this race is not over yet. It does look very difficult for him to win the electoral votes he needs.
I think it is really important that Obama wins both the popular and electoral votes. Sometimes I think that if bush had won both eight years ago there would not be strong feelings that he cheated to win. Oh, that's right. He used the Supreme Court to win. Two weeks and counting.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
At the same time, after the endorsement of Barack Obama by Colin Powell, it may be there can be diminishing returns to such nauseating tactics. Powell pointed out that the nasty campaign advertising by McCain turned him off. Bigtime.
I saw the story on Darren White in the Albuquerque Journal this morning. I thought both stories were fair on White and Heinrich. However I was surprised to see that White was mustered out of the Army before his enlistment was up due to a 'knee' injury. Did he get a disability? Then he goes through a tough police academy? Just thinking that it is kind of strange.
Back to Powell. This endorsement was just the kind of momentum kick that the Obama campaign needed at this point. The stars are aligning.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Biden Rally
It was a mixed crowd of old and young looking for hope.
Friday, October 17, 2008
This happens every October before a general election. Every time the media falls for it. Every time.
It is laughable. I will laugh about it all the way down to Las Cruces to see Joe Biden today.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Debate Sponsors
I attended the party thrown by the New Mexico Conservation Voters. Of course Obama came out on top. McCain's anger showed through and hurt him. I witnessed that anger one time while dining in the Senate dining room in Washington. McCain was sitting nearby with Don Imus and he went ballistic over something. He turned red as a beet.
Anyway, I was astonished at how much advertising on CNN and MSNBC that was bought by the oil and gas and coal industries. These dirty energy companies are trying to turn themselves into good guys and saviours. I sure hope that no one falls for it. Well, they actually are falling for it when you see many people thinking its okay for them to drill and mine anywhere. Last night I was happy to see Obama call McCain out on the fact that the oil boys have 68 million acres of public land leased that they have not bothered to drill even though they want more sensitive lands put on the block. This is just one issue a new Interior Department Secretary will have to deal with.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ballots Mailed:
Democrats 32414
Republican 25469
Other 8905
Ballots Received:
Democrats 2298
Republicans 1808
Others 411
Early Voting
Democrats 1827
Republicans 584
Others 360
I have known Manny and Schultz for many years. They teamed up against me when I ran for Mayor in 1985. I lost to Schultz after an extremely nasty negative campaign waged against me. Manny helped with that. They had accused my lovely wife of racism because she kept her last name and said my children kept her name so they would not be identified as Hispanics. That of course was not true, but it worked just enough to beat me in the valley areas. I never much liked Schultz because of that.
I grew to like Manny though because he usually voted for the little guy in his Senate votes through the years. However, he did betray them by taking this illicit money. Money that could have been used for some good purpose or to lessen taxes for low income people.
Will prison time mean much at this point for Manny and Ken and the rest of the crew? I think it won't serve much purpose and it will cost an additional 150K a year to incarcerate them. Maybe more. After some time in Federal prison they should send them to halfway houses. At any rate, Justice is being served.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mischief Afoot

While we all wallow in angst over the value of 401-Ks and the possibility of job losses, the bush administration is stealthily getting ready to do great harm to the west's great landscapes. A case in point is Utah's magnificent Red Rock Canyon Country.
I know we have a lot on our plates right now but the damages that can occur on our public lands is permanent. The economy can heal, the bush war can be ended, but the pillaging of our great landscapes can not be fixed once it is done.
The bush administration is getting ready to implement something called BLM Resource Management Plans in Utah. These plans have been condemned by just about every one including the EPA. But the bush team in Utah under the leadership of Utah's Bureau of Land Management Director Selma Sierra, a former republican operative in New Mexico for Senator Domenici and Representative Joe Skeen (RIP), is doing a last "Hail Mary" pass to the oil and gas, coal and off road vehicle industries. This is malfeasance. It may be we will need to address this in the next administration and I hope everyone will do so for the sake of the land. In the meantime the only solutions seem to be lawsuits.
I serve on the board of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.
Monday, October 13, 2008
My friend who was in New York this last week took a ride to the airport with an African American taxi driver who said he was voting for McCain because Obama's good buddy was a terrorist. No matter what my friend said to the cabbie, he could not get him to change his mind. So, as you can see this process of throwing mud against the wall really does work many times. So, get everyone you know to the early voting locations as soon as you can. Besides, it is bound to save a lot of time for everyone on election day if many people have already voted.
Friday, October 10, 2008
All Five
Now, I think there is a better that 50/50 chance that it will happen. The Republicans pulling out their TV money in New Mexico is most likely a deal killer for Darren White. Down south Harry Teague just keeps putting his own personal fortune into the campaign and that may well kill off Tinsley's chances.
Tom Udall is a lock. So is Ben Ray Lujan. Bingaman is there already. It could happen! Of course, there are pitfalls in that things better get fixed pretty quick or all of the Dems are in trouble.
I really hope that we get 60 Democrat Senators, even if a few of them are the so called 'blue dog democrats.' This will at least end the paralysis in that chamber.
We are really living in interesting times. Global financial meltdown, climate change, war, religious fanatics running around, and the possibility that we may end up with an intelligent and thoughtful President in Barack Obama.
And now a little humor sent to me by my sister Carlota. New definitions for old words in these times.
CEO --Chief Embezzlement Officer.
CFO-- Corporate Fraud Officer.
BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius.
BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex.
VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying low and selling lower.
P/E RATIO -- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing.
BROKER -- What my broker has made me.
STANDARD & POOR -- Your life in a nutshell.
STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just downgraded your stock.
STOCK SPLIT -- When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves.
FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy whose phone has been disconnected.
MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after you buy stocks.
CASH FLOW -- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.
YAHOO -- What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.
WINDOWS -- What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per share.
INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse.
PROFIT -- An archaic word no longer in use.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Hit Job on Martin...Bad News For Darren-Updated
Now, the bad news for Darren White. The Republican Congressional Campaign Committee just pulled two of three weeks of advertising funding from the White Campaign. That $500,000 was to buy the last three weeks of TV ads for White. Are the Republicans writing it off? Or are they just broke and making clinical decisions in the use of their meager funds? I guess Wachovia's loan to the RNCC wasn't enough to cover Darren.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
That 'if' is that self unrecognized racists don't find a good enough excuse to vote for McCain. This was evident last night when watching CNN's Ohio focus group coverage. Although the metering system showed much more positive reactions to Obama's performance in the debate, the majority of them were still going to vote for McCain. It was weird that the pundits did not comment on it. This is the 800 pound gorilla in the room for the Obama campaign. Another 800 pound gorilla belongs to the McCain camp. That is the current outlook on the electoral vote map. It looks hopeless for McCain/Palin.
Thomas Friedman's column on Sarah Palin today is a must read in the New York Times.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I walked into the Bernalillo County early voting site at 6th and Lomas at 12:09PM. I walked out at 12:27PM after voting. It was highly efficient and my hats off to County Clerk Maggie Toulouse for making it so easy. I am sure that it will take longer as voting steams up.....but I would suggest you go get it done asap. In four hours this morning about 350 people voted. According to workers there this is a heavy early turnout.
Yes, for the first time in a long time I voted a straight ticket.
Of course now all of the millions of dollars of advertising money that will be spent on all of the races will be wasted on me. That is not so efficient.

I am sure White and his minions will now do what McCain and his ilk are doing. This Republican sheriff will now have to wallow in the mud in a last ditch effort to win some momentum. I am hopeful that Martin's campaign wont let them get away with it.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Church Tax
Recently, when three long time legislators lost their seats they sued the non profit organizations that exposed their voting records with violating tax laws. Many bloggers and the media made a big deal out of it, even though the non profits did not endorse any candidate. Once again, they just exposed voting records. This church thing is much more clear cut and hopefully every one will have some comments.
Friday, October 03, 2008
She Kept Her Lunch Down
She really didn't alter the electoral map at all nor the sliding misfortunes of her ticket. McCain has decided to pull out of Michigan and use his resources elsewhere. His own Republican pundits were aghast at that one.
How does all of this affect us in New Mexico? Not much, unless you are concerned about your mortgage and your job. Not much unless you want to end the long and senseless war in Iraq. Palin's position on the Iraq war was the most egregious as far as I was concerned. Thousands of dead American men and women and tens of thousands dead Iraqis and she worries about a 'white flag of surrender!' This is bush and cheney all over again.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Risky Business

Now, think about John McCain. Since he was a carrier pilot he is used to great risk and wasn't afraid to risk his candidacy with his selection of Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. He will find out tonight if that risk was a good one. I actually think the bar has been set so low for Palin that if she just manages to get through the ordeal with out barfing on the air, she will not be hurt too much.
But back to the risk thing. John McCain likes to take them. He was a carrier pilot. I wonder if he really thinks that risk taking as President would be a good thing. It is not just his A-4 Skyhawk jet and his own life that he has to worry about in his decision making. It is pretty much the whole world. I don't think his high tolerance for risk is a good thing. I think it is a very bad thing indeed.
Here is Rolling Stone's look at McCain.
Curry Family Photo
A proud father who didn't want me to mention his name, that would be Ron Curry, sent me this photo the other day of his children Sean and Shannon in the Obama bus after the first debate. Shannon, whose husband is serving his second tour in Iraq, met Michelle Obama in Santa Fe at a meeting for military spouses. Michelle then invited Shannon and a guest to sit with her at the first debate. Michelle chose to take her brother. After the debate they were invited into the bus to chat with the candidate. Here is a picture that will go down in Curry family annals. I wonder if they can get me in to see the Obama campaign director in New Mexico? I have had no luck in doing that at all.
A former intern of mine at the Mayor's office, Ray Rivera, is the state campaign director in Colorado. He is doing a great job there and I am proud of him.