After the Governor's cabinet meeting today I had a chat with the Governor to let him know I would be retiring on December 31st. He was very gracious and said he wanted to make sure a strong conservationist would be there to take my place. I have to say as New Mexico's Natural Resource Trustee that every time we needed support from Governor Richardson that he was there for us. I know he has also been supportive of all of the environmentally responsible departments. I think he may be the best ever Governor for protecting our resources and public lands in New Mexico. I will continue to help him on issues after I end my public service career of 24 years.

I am ready to retire and devote myself to some non profit work I do with environmental groups and foundations. I also want to spend some time every week helping out at the Road Runner food bank. I also enjoy mouthing off on my blog every day. I might try returning to some good old fashion reporting on issues that I care about.
Oh! and I bought some new Ping G-15 golf clubs. Hopefully I can get in about 100 games a year.
Mr. Baca,
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog posts. They're generally short but to the point and very informative. I've always respected that you're a straight shooter, rare in politics or any field these days, thought you were great as the BLM Director and Mayor of Albq. Enjoy your retirement. I'll be envious of that 100 days of golfing.
-Del Duncan, Rio Rancho, NM
Congrats, Jim!
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